Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ninetology U9X1 vs HTC One: Cheapo vs Legend

Phone had been a very important device in our live since Nokia brought the 3310. It started the popularity of text messages. But years after years, Apple brought out the original iPhone and it claims that the world first capacitive touch screen mobile device. Since then, many consumer scrolling around with their iPhone and made many manufacture had their jaw on the ground. Months later, other manufactures started to copy the technology and put in their flagship device. Until today, every manufacture had their own flagship device which brings out a question and that is "Can the entry level device compare side by side with the Flagship device ?" And today, we will give you the answer. This is the comparison between the HTC One and the Ninetology U9X1.

  • Aluminium VS Plastic
  • 4 Ultra-Pixel camera VS 13 mega-pixel camera
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